Joy and Sorrow
When you are joyous,look deep into your heart,and you shall find that it is onlythat which has given you sorrowthat is giving you joy. . .When you are sorrowful,look again in your heart,and you shall see that in truthyou are weeping forthat which has been your delight. . .Khalil Gibran
No, not now.
The Nurpsah quiddles by itself . . . .1973
The Nurpsah
. . . a nurp of nuppiesstood their ground'their teeth were long,their eyes were round,casting glances very furtivetrying hard to be assertive.holding on withtooth and claw,each possessed acavernous maw,a fearsome threatfrom a whiskered snout,of their open snarling clout.nasty nuppiesmuttering pack,sleathing alland back to back,pass them fast,before they knowthat i am closeto their tableau . . .November 1979
Prelude to a Trio
Slow fade in and out . . . 2008
Power play on pavement
on rolling roadsor country lanes. . .where fatigue is the question. . .and sweat is the answer. . .where need is the reason. . .and sublimityisthe result. . .May 28, 1986
Sky-Eye,unblinking eye, stare on . . . . 2008
At dark-thirty in my greenhouse.
dark, but warm,perhaps too. .i leave the door open a littleto let some heat escape,the green plants love the heatand the Sun all day,the quiet is ecstasy:my eyes slowly adjust to the murkand peace envelopes melike some blanketed waif,i am unto myselfwith nowhere to doand nothing to go:i have escaped the hubbub, the press,the push, squeeze and shove.i am me,let me be . . . December 15, 1973
Sunset Sloops
in stunning
shades of
hues. . .
They ride
golden rays
of sun
on waves
of sapphire
blues. . .
finding yourself
You may neverfind yourselfin a crowd . . .only in thesolemn peaceof solitude . . .1986
the moondog knows . . .
the moondog late, in silence howls '08
Three Hai`kus
day slowly risespulled up by the warm red sun and all time goes on . . . . . the rocks remain stillday and night have no meaning only clinging roots . . . . . the gray day settles slowly falls to leafy bed cold grass pulls it close . . . . .October 1985 seventeen syllable hai`kus
The dreams of Nookertan
He who enters Nookertan might ne'er return.
The moondog
. . . in and out
of pale moon shadows
a paler form moves,
moving slowly now
as time passes,
it is an entity
that has seen much
and forgotten many things
most of everything is behind now
with little left to know
that means anything,
so the pale shadow moves on
in and out of mottled future trails,
from a brightly colored day
into a pale pool of moonlight . . .
Beach torso
Sun, surf, sand, and sails 2008
In the current of life
two people poleing their boat through the dreadheaded for shoalson the ocean ahead, caught in a tangletwisted in loverolling like cloudsaway and above, two people boatingtheir lives gone astraywanting to gowanting to stay, wrapped in confusiontheir hearts are afirehating to seehow such things transpire, two people movingaway and aparteach one is stabbingstraight for the heart. 1972 (After I wrote the poem I stuck it in a book and forgot about it until 1979 when I found it)
After the bath . . .
AFTER THE BATH . . . 1995
The Lake
In the beginning, there was nothing.and then after a long period,a lake appeared full of clean clear water,the seed of grasses mixed and bubbled,and the air became permeated by the yeasty odor of fermentation,then people came and found the lakeand they settled down and lived by the lakeand it was good,then someone tasted of the lakeand it was good and all drank,and it was good,then someone invented the guitar,and that was good alsoand the people learned to sing and dance,and that was very good,and they called the lake BeerLake.and it was oh so good,and life became a Beer Festival.Friday night September 5, 2008
The King of Hell (on a friend's drinking problem)
complacent to the utmost lost inside a dreamdismal as a swamp that used to be a streamliving in a bottle the jinni of the Southdrinking up his life fearful of a drouth . . .a slave of many masters yet only one of allcan make him squirm and whimper and be a total thrallthe mistress of his lonely enscapsulated idshe drives him with her power to do her every bid . . .pleased to be a vassal heaping tolls upon her thronefatigued yet still enraptured so thrilled to be her dronewhen his strengths are wasted and nothing is his allshe will sneer and exit saying "if I want you I will call."1997