Monday, April 21, 2014

Sunset in Nookertan

                                     The creature is a Brothadon, such as in the phrase
                                     Genghis Khan and his Brothadon they just kept
                                     on keepin' on. . . .


do it today
or wait for tomorrow
stand in the way
and measure your sorrow
put yourself in it
and hang on to it all
roll in the thunder
until the cows call


The Chimera


She stands in triumph
in her smile
because she lived
her every mile

she praises not
her luck or skill
only her
undaunted will

she asks no one
for help or aid
she runs her road
like some parade

she finds her peace
when times are tough
she is a diamond
in the rough

she takes her licks
when things go wrong
she lives her life
within her song


Sunday, April 06, 2014


are the muskrats swimming tonight?
in the blue moonlight?
i saw a man with a crooked smile
go walking toward tomorrow
i saw a girl with a winning smile
weeping and in sorrow

are the muskrats sleeping tonight?
in their nest curled up so tight?
i saw a man with a clumsy pace
go limping on his way
i saw a girl with a sunny face
feeling sad about today

are the muskrats happy tonight?
touching noses in delight?
i saw a man with tearful eyes
looking to the west
i saw a girl with a sad goodbye
upon her farout quest